Estimate how many calories your body needs to maintain or lose weight.

Woman   Man
Height: Feet Inches
Height: In Centimeters
Weight: Pounds

Your Results:

Maintain Weight: calories
(Estimate of calories your body needs to survive every day)

Weight Loss: calories
(Estimate of calories needed to lose 1 lb per week)

Extreme Weight Loss: calories
(Estimate of calories needed to lose 2 lb per week)


    Have you ever felt overwhelmed for not knowing exactly what to eat to stay healthy or lose those extra pounds?

    Well, today is your lucky day.

    With our calorie calculator, you will be able to know an estimation of how many calories your body needs to survive and to lose weight.

    But first, what are calories?

    Calories are a unit of measurement to determine the amount of energy our body needs every day for our daily activities; in fact, weight gains occur when we consume more calories than what body needs every day to fuel our body.

    Learning the difference between how many calories you eat vs how many calories you need is super important when you really want to get rid of excess weight.

    Consuming excess calories causes overweight, obesity and that is just the start for a number of diseases like hypertension, diabetus, etc.


    Our calorie calculator is not to be used as a medical aid, but as a tool that helps you get an idea of what your calorie consumption should be, based on your current age, weight, height and activity.

    Adjusting the amount of calories you consume every day should be a gradual and healthy process and we strictly recommend you to consult your doctor before changing your current diet so he or she can recommend what is best for your specific body type and current healthy status.

    The amount of calories is different for every type of food, however, we have carefully designed a great meal plan that is specifically made to fit a certain amount of calories in a daily routine.

    Pro tip: If for whatever reason you eat something outside of our Meal Plan recommendations, always be on the lookout for the nutritional content shown on the product labels. You might be surprised with the amount of calories that you’re eating!


    Our calorie calculator shows you 3 very simple results:

    1 The estimated amount of calories that you need to MAINTAIN your current weight
    2 The approximate amount of calories if you want to lose 1 lb per week
    3. The estimated amount of calories if you want to lose 2 lb per week

    You can select whichever one you want, based on what your doctor tells you is the best option for you and then we will send you a Free Meal Plan so you can get started living a healthier life!

The meal plans included in the Sweet Leaves Skinny Plan were made by professionals in Nutrition and Food Sciences. We strongly recommended to consult with a Nutritionist before starting any weight loss program. If you are pregnant or nursing, a high-performance athlete, or have a metabolic disease (diabetes, kidney failure, or morbid obesity), the calorie calculator may underestimate or overestimate your calorie needs. * ALWAYS Consult with your doctor. This information is a guide that is intended to serve as ONLY a reference and are not exact, therefore Sweet Leaves cannot guarantee an exact amount of pounds lost based on the meal plans offered. The actions taken based on this information are the responsibility of whoever performs them.